Our garden is home to plants endemic to the Małopolska region. NO to palm trees or cacti!

There are flowers, herbs, trees, mushrooms, grass. The garden will feed and heal us, because each plant has a lot to offer: hazel is not only nuts, but also nut milk, and its leaves and buds alleviate the symptoms of menopause. We have already written about the common knotgrass: this subtle silvery-green-pink plant with its strong root will cleanse our sewage, so we do not have to waste water once used!

We will also invite Kasia the sheep and Klementyna the duck.


 The garden is a gift for the imagination: close your eyes and tell me what kind of garden you see and I will tell you what's playing in your soul!

The garden is an open space - that's where we meet. We construct our barn in such a way that there are no hard walls between it and the garden.

The garden is always alive. Regardless of the season, there are blooming colourful plants (yes, in winter too!), which form a constantly changing mosaic of colours, shapes and shadows, telling new stories.